Friday, December 16, 2011

A bag of Me.

I decided to write a poem to give a little more insight into who I am, and part of how my thoughts tend to be a little scattered at times.

"A Bag of Me"

On the floor, you will find a bag for all to see,
and inside of this bag, you will find the essence of me.
You will find you will find pages of scribbled thoughts and notes,
or an old science paper about wood and why it floats.

You will find pieces of metal,
melted, reshaped, and scarred,
just like my heart and my mind,
turned cold and hard.

You will find a laptop, filled with poems and photgraphs,
And at the same time, bits and pieces of my future path.
Inside, you will find fragments of my mind,
Secrets and stories that I have yet to find.

I have laid out this bag for all to see,
now you know about the enigma that is me.


Monday, December 12, 2011


I was sitting in my second hour Contemporary Lit. & Composition class when we were assigned a villanele, so I gave it a shot, but wanted to tell a story through it.


I stood and watched as the fields burned
The sky went black as the fires grew.
The darkness in this land has returned.

People, adults and children, flee,
Not a single person had prepared or knew.
I stood and watched as the fields burned.

As the fire spread, upon one another people turned.
Each ignoring the many and focused on the few.
The darkness in this land has returned.

Unfinished harvests, uneaten brie.
Shadows pass by the unoccupied pew.
I stood and watched as the fields burned.

All had fled, all but me,
For I could only stare as the wind blew.
The darkness in this land has returned.

I stood alone; I dropped to one knee,
I was possessed by vengeance; it was all I could do.
I stood and watched as the fields burned,
The darkness in this land has returned.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Non-Existent Luck

Today had been a very off day for me, so I wrote a poem chronicling my very off luck today since I usually have rather good luck.

Charity donations ungiven,
Moral compass ignored.
Karma seeks balance,
Justice served is obscene.
Drinks spilled on pants,
Urination jokes aplenty.
Dentist office visited,
Attendance unexcused.
Karma sought balance,
Justice has been served.


Monday, December 5, 2011

Sick Of Sonnets

First, this is an anti-sonnet. I like the idea of rhyming in poetry, but I've read way too many lovey-dovey poems, and they finally made my stomach turn. So I decided to write a parody or anti-sonnet to show my distaste for the gushing we usually find in the form.


This is not a love song,
No, not even a cruel trick.
I promise this won’t be long,
You’ll just feel like I beat you with a stick.

You said this would last forever,
That it was the end of my days as a dog.
I can’t stand this endeavor,
I could find more personality in a log.

You tried to find out what made me tick,
Strived to make me “have a cow.”
Now I’ll tell you that you make me sick,
And I’m through with you now.