Monday, December 12, 2011


I was sitting in my second hour Contemporary Lit. & Composition class when we were assigned a villanele, so I gave it a shot, but wanted to tell a story through it.


I stood and watched as the fields burned
The sky went black as the fires grew.
The darkness in this land has returned.

People, adults and children, flee,
Not a single person had prepared or knew.
I stood and watched as the fields burned.

As the fire spread, upon one another people turned.
Each ignoring the many and focused on the few.
The darkness in this land has returned.

Unfinished harvests, uneaten brie.
Shadows pass by the unoccupied pew.
I stood and watched as the fields burned.

All had fled, all but me,
For I could only stare as the wind blew.
The darkness in this land has returned.

I stood alone; I dropped to one knee,
I was possessed by vengeance; it was all I could do.
I stood and watched as the fields burned,
The darkness in this land has returned.


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